Jumat, 27 Januari 2017

16 Tenses (task 5)


   Simple Present Tense
This tenses are used to denote something that  is fixed, habitual or an essential truth.  Because it is often related to the incident at about past, present and  future, this at least has the Tenses description for a certain time.
(+) Subject (s) + Verb1 + Object  (o)
ex: She connect  the cable
(-) S+do/does not+Verb1+O
ex: She doesn’t connect  the cable
(?) Do/Does + S + Verb1 + O
ex: Does she connect the cable?
I, You, They, We use do when  it come to negative and  question sentence. While He, She, It use does.

2.       Present Continous Tense
This tenses are used to express an action which is actually being  done at this time. FORM:
(+) S + to be + Verb-ing + O
ex: Jono is connecting the cable
(-) S + to be + not + Verb-ing + O
ex: Jono is not connecting the cable
(?) to be + S + Verb-ing + O
ex: Is Jono connecting the cable ?

3.       Present Perfect Tense
This tenses are used to express your experience. This sentence can  used to say that  you have  never  had  a certain experience. Present Perfect Tense didn’t use to describe specific event.
(+) S + Has/Have + Past Participle (V3)
ex: I have  cut cable just now
(-) S + Has/Have + not + past participle (V3)
ex: I Have not cut cable just now
(?) Has/Have + S + past participle (V3)
ex: Have You cut cable just now ?

4.       Present Perfect Continous Tense
Present Perfect Continuous Tense is used to show that  something started in the past and  has continued up until now. ”for two hours’, ‘for two weeks’, ‘since yesterday’ are all durations which can  be used with this sentence. Without the durations, the tense has a more general meaning of “lately.” We often use the words “lately” or “recently” to emphasize this meaning.
(+) S + have/has + been + Verb-ing + O
ex: We have  been welding alumunium since 2 hours ago
(-) S + have/has + been + Verb-ing + O
ex: We have  not been welding alumunium since 2 hours ago
(?) have/has + S + been + Verb-ing + O
ex: Have they been welding alumuniun since 2 hours ago?

5.       Simple Past Tense
We used this tense to talk about the past. FORM:
(+) S + Verb2 + O
ex: Mustofa assembled robot las night
(-) S + did + not + Verb1
ex: Mustofa did not assemble last night
(?) did + S + verb1  + O
ex: Did Mustofa assemble robot last night?

6.       Past Continous Tense
This tense is used to say when  we were  in the middle of doing  at a particular moment in the past. FORM:
(+) S + was/were + Verb-ing
ex: He was checking temperature
(-) S + was/were + not + Verb-ing
ex: He wasn’t checking temperature
(?) Was/were + S + Verb-ing
 ex: Was He checking temperature?

7.       Past Perfect Tense
The Past Perfect expresses the idea  that  something occurred before another action in the past. It can  also show that  something happened before a specific time in the past.
S+had+past participle(V3)+when+ simple past tense
ex: I had  repaired the radio  when  she come home

8.       Past Perfect Continous Tense
We use the Past Perfect Continuous to show that  something started in the past and  continued up until another time in the past. “For five minutes” and  “for two weeks” are both  durations which can  be used with the Past Perfect Continuous. Notice that  this is related to the Present Perfect Continuous however, the duration does not continue until now, it stops before something else in the past.
S + had  + been + Verb-ing + O + when + simple past tense
ex: I had been checking resistor for 3 hours when Mr. Sumardi came

9.       Simple Future Tense
often called will. because, the modal auxiliary verb in this sentence is will. FORM :
(+) S + WILL + Verb1
ex: He will make robot
(-) S+WILL+not+Verb1
ex: He will not make robot
(?) will + S + Verb1
ex: Will he make robot?

10.   Future Continous Tense
Future  Continuous has two different forms: “will be doing  ” and  “be going  to be doing”. Future  Continuous forms are usually interchangeable.
(+) S + will be + Verb-ing
ex: I will be going  to workshop
(-) S + will not  be + Verb-ing
ex: I won’t be going  to workshop
(?) will + S + be + Verb-ing
ex: Will you going  to workshop?

11.   Future Perfect Tense
This sentence is used when  we talk about the past in the future. FORM:
(+) S + Will + have  + Verb3
ex: I will have  finished by 6 PM
(-) S + will + not + have  + Verb3
ex: I will not have  finished by 6 PM
(?)  Will + S + have  + Verb3
ex: will you have  finished Verb3

12.   Future Perfect Continous Tense
We use the future perfect continuous tense to talk about a long action before some point in the future. FORM:
(+) S + Will + have  + been + Verb-ing
ex: Andra will have  been drawing the sketch
(-) S + will + not + have  + been + Verb-ing
ex: Andra Won’t have  been drawing the sketch
(?) Will + S + have  + been + Verb-ing ?
ex: Will Andra have  been drawing the sketch?

13.   Simple Past Future Tense
this tense is used to express the events that  WILL be done, BUT in the past, not the present. FORM:
(+) S + should/would + Verb1
ex: I would measure data
(-) S + Would + not + Verb1
ex: I wouldn’t measure data
(?) Would + S + Verb1?
ex: Would you measure data?

14.   Past Future Continous Tense
Past Future  Continuous tells an action would be in progress in the past. FORM:
S + should/would + be + Verb-ing
Ex : He would be repairing the radio, with you at 7 o’clock p.m, but you were not in the house
Time signals for this tense is time in the past like, this morning, yesterday, last night, last week  and  so on.

15.   Past Future Perfect Tense
This tense is restates the action stated in Future  Perfect Tense but with different time dimension, it is in past time whilst the Future  Perfect is in future time (not happen yet).
(+) S + would + have/has  + Verb3
ex: I would have  repaired the television last night
(-) S + would + not + have/has  + Verb3
ex: I wouldn’t have  repaired the television last night
(?) Would + S + have/has  + Verb3
ex: Would you have  repaired the television last night?

16.   Past Future Perfect Continous Tense
Past Future  Perfect Continuous Tense emphasizes on the course and  the duration of the action. Past Future  Perfect
Continuous Tense is used to tell an action which would have  been happening until a certain time (period) in the past.
(+) S + would + have  + been + verb-ing
ex: Mustofa would have  been working  for 6 years when  he get fired
(-) S+ would + not + have  + been + verb-ing
ex: Mustofa wouldn’t have  been working  for 6 years when  he get fired
(?) Would + subject + have  + been + verb-ing?

ex: Would Mustofa have  been working  for 6 years when  he get fired?

Vocabulary about Electrical Engineering (task 4)

Presentation about Robotics (task 3)

Robotics is the branch of mechanical engineering, electrical engineering and computer science that deals with the design, construction, operation, and application of robots, as well as computer systems for their control, sensory feedback, and information processing.
These technologies deal with automated machines that can take the place  of humans in dangerous environments or manufacturing processes, or resemble humans in appearance, behavior, and or cognition. Many of today's robots are inspired by nature, contributing to the field of bio-inspired robotics.
The concept of creating machines that can operate autonomously dates back to classical times, but research into the functionality and potential uses of robots did not grow substantially until the 20th century. Throughout history, it has been  frequently assumed that robots will one day be able to mimic human behavior  and manage tasks in a human-like fashion. Today, robotics is a rapidly growing field, as technological advances continue researching, designing, and building new robots serve various practical purposes, whether domestically, commercially, or militarily. Many robots are built to do jobs that are hazardous to people such as defusing bombs, finding survivors in unstable ruins, and exploring mines and shipwrecks. Robotics is also used in STEM(Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) as a teaching aid.

Robotika adalah cabang dari teknik mesin , teknik elektro dan ilmu komputer yang berkaitan dengan desain, konstruksi, operasi, dan aplikasi robot , serta sistem komputer untuk kontrol mereka, umpan balik sensoris, dan pengolahan informasi.
Teknologi ini berurusan dengan mesin otomatis yang dapat mengambil tempat manusia di lingkungan yang berbahaya atau  proses manufaktur, atau  menyerupai manusia dalam penampilan, perilaku, dan atau  kognisi. Saat ini banyak robot yang terinspirasi oleh alam, kontribusi untuk bidang  robotika bio-terinspirasi .
Konsep menciptakan mesin yang dapat beroperasi secara mandiri tanggal kembali  ke zaman klasik , tetapi  penelitian fungsi dan potensi penggunaan robot tidak tumbuh secara substansial sampai abad ke-20. Sepanjang sejarah, telah sering diasumsikan bahwa suatu hari robot akan dapat meniru perilaku manusia dan mengelola tugas-tugas dalam mode mirip manusia. Saat ini, robotika adalah bidang  yang berkembang pesat, seperti kemajuan teknologi terus meneliti, merancang, dan membangun robot baru melayani berbagai tujuan  praktis, baik di dalam negeri , komersial , atau  militer . Banyak robot yang dibangun untuk melakukan pekerjaan yang berbahaya bagi orang-orang seperti menjinakkan bom, menemukan korban  selamat di reruntuhan yang tidak stabil, dan mengeksplorasi tambang dan bangkai kapal. Robotika juga digunakan dalam STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, dan Matematika) sebagai alat bantu mengajar.

       Q : What is robotics ?
A : 
Robotics is the branch of mechanical engineering, electrical engineering and computer science that deals with the design, construction, operation, and application of robots, as well as computer systems for their control, sensory feedback, and information processing
       Q : Who is the creator of three laws robotics ?
A : The creator of three laws robotics is Isaac Asimov
       A : Where can robotics be applied to helping people ?
Q : Robotics can be applied in the field of military, mining, and education
       Q : When did Isaac Asimov create Three Laws Robotics ?
A : Isaac Asimov created three laws robotics in 1942
       Q : Why must robotics be developed ?
A : Robotics must be developed because robotics can 
do jobs that are hazardous to people       such as defusing bombs, finding survivors in unstable ruins, and exploring mines and shipwrecks
       Q : How is the development of robotics today ?
A : 
Today, robotics is a rapidly growing field, as technological advances continue researching, designing, and building new robots serve various practical purposes, whether domestically, commercially, or militarily

  • These technologies deal with automated machines that can take the place  of humans in dangerous environments or manufacturing processes, or resemble humans in appearance, behavior, and or cognition.
  • Many of today's robots are inspired by nature, contributing to the field of bio-inspired robotics.
  • Throughout history, it has been  frequently assumed that robots will one day be able to mimic human behavior  and manage tasks in a human-like fashion
  • Many robots are built to do jobs that are hazardous to people such as defusing bombs, finding survivors in unstable ruins, and exploring mines and shipwrecks.
  • Robotics is also used in STEM(Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) as a teaching aid
Note :
______ Subject
______ Verb

  • Robotics is the branch of mechanical engineering, electrical engineering and computer science that deals with the design, construction, operation, and application of robots, as well as computer systems for their control, sensory feedback, and information processing
  • Today, robotics is a rapidly growing field, as technological advances continue researching, designing, and building new robots serve various practical purposes, whether domestically, commercially, or militarily
       These technologies deal with automated machines that can take the place  of humans in dangerous environments or manufacturing processes, or resemble humans in appearance, behavior, and or cognition (active)
       Automated machines that can take the place  of humans in dangerous environments or manufacturing processes, or resemble humans in appearance, behavior, and or cognition are dealt with these technologies (passive)
       The concept of creating machines that can operate autonomously dates back to classical times, but research into the functionality and potential uses of robots did not grow substantially until the 20th century (active)
       Until the 20th century, the concept of creating machines was not grown substantially (passive)

       Many of today's robots are inspired by nature, contributing to the field of bio-inspired robotics (passive)
       Nature inspires many of today’s robots, contributing to the field of bio-inspired robotics (active)
       Throughout history, it has been  frequently assumed that robots will one day be able to mimic human behavior  and manage tasks in a human-like fashion (passive)
       Throughout history, people have frequently assumed it that robots will one day be able to mimic human behavior  and manage tasks in a human-like fashion (active)
       Many robots are built to do jobs that are hazardous to people such as defusing bombs, finding survivors in unstable ruins, and exploring mines and shipwrecks (passive)
       People build many robots to do jobs that are hazardous to them such as defusing bombs, finding survivors in unstable ruins, and exploring mines and shipwrecks (active)
       Robotics is also used in STEM(Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) as a teaching aid (passive)
       People use robotics in STEM(Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) as a teaching aid (active)

1.    Simple Present Tense
Pattern : S+V1
in passive : S+tobe+V3
Robotics is also used in STEM as a teaching aid (in passive) 
        S    tobe           V3
2.    Present Perfect Tense
Pattern : S+has/have+V3
Throughout history, it has been  frequently assumed that robots will one day be able to
                                S has                                 V3
mimic human behavior  and manage tasks in a human-like fashion

Writer use simple present tense  because writer want to explain about things in gerenal  and say that  something happens all the time or repeatedly, or that something is  true in general.
Writer use present perfect tense because writer to explain about a action or situation has started in the past and continue until now or has completed in a given point in time in the past but the effect still continues

Source : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robotics

Biography Michael Faraday (task 2)

Name                                : Michael Faraday
Place, Date of Birth          : Newington Butts, 22 September 1791
Education                         : Laboratory Sir Humphry Davy as Lab Assistant
Address                            : Newington Butss, London, England
Hobby                               : Reading (about Sains, Chemical, Physic)
              Michael Faraday was born on 22 September 1791 in Newington Butts. He is third child of four children from James Faraday and Margaret Hastwell. Although Faraday received little formal education, he was one of the most influential scientists in history. Michael Faraday attended a local school until he was 13, where he received a basic education. He worked hard and impressed his employer. After a year, he was promoted to become an apprentice bookbinder. After working hard each day, he spent his free time reading the books. Faraday began work at the Royal Institution of Great Britain at the age of 21 on March 1, 1813. In 1824, aged 32, he was elected to the Royal Society. This was recognition that he had become a notable scientist in his own right. In 1825, aged 33, he became Director of the Royal Institution’s Laboratory. In 1833, aged 41, he became Fullerian Professor of Chemistry at the Royal Institution of Great Britain. He held this position for the rest of his life.In 1848, aged 54, and again in 1858 he was offered the Presidency of the Royal Society, but he turned it down.
Here are some of his most notable discoveries :
1821: Discovery of Electromagnetic Rotation
1823: Gas Liquefaction and Refrigeration
1825: Discovery of Benzene
1831: Discovery of Electromagnetic Induction
1836: Invention of the Faraday Cage
1845: Discovery of the Faraday Effect – a magneto-optical effect
1845: Discovery of Diamagnetism as a Property of all Matter

Michael Faraday died in London, aged 75, on August 25, 1867. He was survived by his wife Sarah. They had no children.