Senin, 24 Oktober 2016

Introduce my self (task 1)

Good evening everbody. Let me introduce myself in a short time. I am Muhammad Mustofa and you can call me Mustofa. I live in Poris, Taman Jaya, Tangerang. I was born in Klaten, August 5th 1995. It means that i am twenty one years old right now. I graduated from Vocational High School Christian 1 Klaten. I work in Panarub Industry as production operator. I have one old brother and one old sister. And then i want to tell you about my hobby. I have a nice hobby and that is listening to music. My favorite singer is Taylor Swift. My favorite song is "Blank Space". My reason study at University of Muhammadiyah Tangerang because it’s near from my factory. My reason of choosing Electrical Engineering because i want to get more knowledge about progammable logic controller. My expectation after graduating from Electrical Engineering, i wanna be electronics techcian. I hope to work in BUMN as PT. PLN, PT. Telkom, PT. Pertamina.